
Showing posts from November, 2002

A Turbulent 2002 9-11 Aftermath

Image via Wikipedia   March 1 - U.S. invasion of Afghanistan : In eastern Afghanistan , Operation Anaconda begins.   October 24 – The Beltway snipers , John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo , are arrested. The Washington sniper attacks took place during three weeks in October 2002 in Washington, D.C. , Maryland , and Virginia . Ten people were killed and three others critically injured in various locations throughout the Washington Metropolitan Area and along Interstate 95 in Virginia . November 8 – Iraq disarmament crisis : The United Nations Security Council unanimously approves UN Security Council Resolution 1441 , forcing Saddam Hussein to disarm or face "serious consequences". The oil tanker Prestige sinks off the Galician coast, causing a huge oil spill . November 13 Iraq disarmament crisis : Iraq agrees to the terms of UN Security Council Resolution 1441 . November 14 – Argentina defaults on a US $805 million World Bank loan payment. Novembe

The Beginnings of World War III?

  World War III on Dipity . Image via Wikipedia Add caption November 2002 -- First reported cases of SARS .  A massive media blitz attempts to create a pandemic , but by September 2003, only 780 people worldwide have died.  Source: W.H.O. Compared to the Influenza Pandemic of 1917-1919 which killed 800,000 Americans and 25 million people worldwide, SARS is hardly a pandemic. Is this all the beginning of World War III ? Jesus said in His discourse of Matthew 24 warned that there will be wars and rumors of wars. An important event that is playing out in Europe in a place of Kosovo a few events have been taking place as of July-August 1999.The event took place at the Pristina Airport with a confrontation of NATO lead by General Wesley Clark and Russia. Russia tried to persuade Yugoslavs President Slobodan Milosevic to end the war. One incident led to another and conflict in suited