So What Is a Christian to Do?
Saturday, 17 July 2010
A letter to the One who has the answer to life that began at the cross.
Dear Lord Jesus,
my dearest love. I’m writing you this letter as I am quite puzzled
and often discourage of the direction your people are taking. Nowadays
I find many Christians
doing radical things and some things we believe in are being taken
away and on another hand Christians are being undermined and accused
of wrong doing in today’s society. You name it we seem to be in the middle of it, even the center of ridicule.
thought many times and said, “Lord what if I say this or that would
you approve? If I speak out against sin I will be scorned. You said
there would be scoffers in the last days (2 Peter
3:3-4; Jude 17-18). That’s not what I’m afraid of. I’m not afraid of
what man will do to me. I’m trusting in you that what you have
promised in your Word. I know I’m following my heart. You said
follow me and I take up my cross.
So my question is, what is a Christian to do, when you feel you need to call people to the Gospel
and not sure what to do without being called a fanatic? Let us
remain true to the Gospel and tell others that there is a great hope
after this world has passed away. Some people get offended by it
and others who are searching for an answer to this life’s trouble
find hope in the Gospel. I believe what you’re telling me is not be
ashamed of the Gospel and the One who died for me and for many
nations, tribes, and tongues, tell as many people who will listen to
the good news, and put all doubt behind you and have faith that you
Lord will do the rest. You have already done all the work. I just
hope that those who claim to be Christian, the false prophets and
false Christs shall not destroy the work that you put forth in your
true children. You know them who they are Lord. A tree is known by
the fruit it bears. The shepherd knows his sheep. His sheep hear his
read my Bible. And I call to you in prayer on what to do. I’m hoping
you’re listening. There is something within my being that
encourages me to do the best I can with what I have. You gave me a
gift or two that I want to use to your glory. I feel that if I don’t
and neglect it then what good have I done for your kingdom. I want
to keep my gift for the kingdom to come. It’s brought me comfort as
you have too. Do you remember that book, In His Steps
there is that “what would Jesus do?” when one doesn’t know what to
do. Your wisdom and strength comes to mind then it all works
together to those who love God (Romans 8:28).
my prayer to you is to make me the Christian you want me to be. Help
me to hear your voice and be obedient in doing what you need me to
do. I go alone among the world, but I know you’re with me always.
Never to leave me nor forsake me. I will trust in you with what you
have for me in this life. I know that one day when that day comes I
would have finished the race and kept the faith of telling others
about you and that they may be part of your glorious Kingdom where
there is no more sorrow, tears, or pain anymore. I pray for the peace
of your soon coming and the salvation of many that they may not be
lost forever.
I believe that this is the true Gospel. This world will soon be gone forever. Christ
will return to reclaim what was lost and what belongs to Him. Lord
you want us to be part of your family if we choose to. One day we’ll
all have to make a choice of how we’ll spend eternity. This sinful
world will not continue to go on. There has to be an end to evil once
and for all. It only destroys people. We can’t even imagine in our
thoughts what marvelous plans God has for us in Christ Jesus. You
made it all very simple for us even a little child can understand
it. I hope that many will come to you and receive eternal life you
offer and know the joy you have in store for them.
Looking for Your glorious appearing. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
With all my love,
Your daughter