The New World Order In Under 5 Minutes
HD FullScreen: The New World Order in under 5 minutes, a message from HorseOfPaulRevere to the people, meant to be downloaded and rebroadcast by any and everybody. I will be making a series of 'In Under 5 Min' so stay tuned! Soundtrack Credit To Ezdi: The New World Order is the goal of a collaboration project orchestrated by the Global Elite. The goal is one global government, their NWO, dominated by dictator rule and central planners, ruling from the existing power structure we commonly identify as; The people & groups behind International Banks, Multi-National Companies & Corporations, Dictators & Totalitarian Regimes, Global Interests, Hollywood , Shadow Governments, Hijacked Religions, Military Industrial Complexes, Bilderberg Members, United States Federal Reserve, Council On Foreign Relations , the U.N., Member Nations and the huge network of associating treaties, agreements, group...