Message from Jesus
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In my lifetime on several occasions I've had dreams that I knew were from the Lord. I believe that the Father gives us who love Him dreams and visions to know His purpose for us. It is written in Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. The prophet Daniel was given the understanding of dreams and visions - Daniel 1:17. As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.
These dreams the Lord showed me I feel His Spirit wants me to tell you. In one dream, I stood before the glorious city that shined like the sun behind the gate gazing at the splendor of this indescribable place. And behind me I feel the heat so hot I could stand near it. As I turn to look there was a great pit so deep and black all you could see was the heat from the fire and the smoke. In this dream the Lord showed me of the presence of a real Heaven and a real Hell. I tell you my friend you don't want to go to Hell. It's REAL and extremely HOT! And it burned FOREVER and EVER! The Judgment will be FINAL. There's no turning back. Do NOT be deceived by no one and let no one take your crown from you.
In another dream, the Lord revealed Himself to me on the ancient streets of Jerusalem. Don't ask me how? I just knew where I was. I stood face-to-face with the Lord Jesus. In this dream, His arms were strapped to a crossbeam that was bearing heavily across His back. He looked beaten and bruised. Many of you may have pictured Him as weak. But the Jesus I saw in my dream was a very strong looking man with the great power and love that flowed from His eyes. As I looked upon Him. His eyes seemed to be fixed on me and nothing else. Suddenly something fell on my heart, a love so deep that I ran to Him. I threw my arms around his strong shoulders. I didn't want to let go. I remember saying, "Please, don't go!" And Jesus answered me, "I have to do this." Then somehow I can't explain he walked away out of my arms and disappeared carrying the crossbeam across His back with Him. It was plain Christ Jesus had to do this for you and for me. He is our random for a debt we could NEVER repay. As He looked at me with love in His eyes. He looks at you the same way my friend. He calls all of us today to be His children—to live in His coming Kingdom.
Another dream, I was taken up into the heavens and there I saw many wonders in God's vast universe. The universe is far beyond our comprehension. It is the glory of our God—the stars, the planets, awesome life within it. (Many are being deceived by the UFO phenomena which are Satanic in origin. Do NOT believe them!) For years the government suppressed NASA had lied to the public about what is out there. Now, I tell you the mysteries of the Lord Jesus Christ are REAL to those who believe. The Lord took me to the opening of Heaven there was a sky I've never seen in my life of my life on earth. The sky was a vivid blues, lovely colors, and the clouds were beautiful cotton billows of white. And I saw the angels flying towards the great city. I had more than one vision in my dreams about Heaven. The city was alive along streets of gold— crystal clear as glass. Everything was clean and white—free of corruption of any kind. There are so many wonders that I saw there I stood in awe of it all. I saw people of the past living within the walls of God's Holy sanctuary—eternal souls in the presence of the Father and His Son Christ Jesus. I saw children, babies who had been aborted were living safety within this beautiful holy place. The children there were perfect, all were well, happy, and at peace. In this place I saw Jesus His presence was everywhere. He showed me beautiful gardens and things that you would never dream of. It is written, 1 Corinthians 2:9 -
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
This was the last dream the Lord had showed me. This dream I saw the sky as it was in my prior dreams. The beauty of the colors were to behold. I was breathless in awe and fear. The Lord I believe reveals to me that the skies of this world are destroyed by the wicked, deceptive devices (chemtrails, weather manipulation) of Satan and his demon armies (the Illuminati). In my dream the clouds in the sky split apart and the Lord Christ Jesus appeared to me in a flash before me in the sky. His majesty was full of the glory of Heaven around Him. His angels were all around Jesus—praising Him. I heard a voice, the voice of the Holy Spirit say, "Look up for your redemption draws nigh."-These were the words that come from the Gospel of Luke 21:28 (And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh). I called out to Jesus, "Remember me Lord when you come." Then in a twinkling of an eye He disappeared in the clouds. This is a Jesus' warning to all who live on the earth. The time of Christ's coming is near. His words are clear. He is coming back! Are you ready to meet Him? REPENT!—for the Kingdom of God is at hand. This world is passing away and all that is in it. Satan's days are numbered and comes in great wrath. It's time to take a stand with the Lord Jesus Christ and separate yourselves from this world that is heading for destruction. REPENT! And truth in Jesus to save you, turn from your sin and follow Him.
A Watchman on the Wall
PRAY for America!
Revelation 18:4 -
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.