Turning Point
My dad's death was just before the 2008 election. I feel that this was a sign of sorts. Things are just beginning to change. The Judgment of God may come soon. Don't know for sure, but it won't be long. I use to go visit dad on the Holidays. Things will be different now. It seems strange and the future is uncertain. Satan has this world in a horrible, evil mess. It's even infiltrated into the churches. It's coming where there will be a falling away. The elect will be deceived of the Deception that is coming. I'm concerned about the new President the people elected. Did they learn their lesson with George W. Bush? Well, they're not all to blame. The shadow government, Illuminati, Council of 13, ruled by Satan make us believe that we have our freedom to vote, but they're the one who oversees who will be next in the White House as their puppet. Even since Kennedy was assassinated they elected puppets to fool the people. I never felt good about any of it. I use to have talks about this with a good friend of mine. It was like looking outside from a window from the inside. I just pray that people see their mistakes and repent of their sins. I know I have. America's sins are so bad. God will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah if he doesn't judge America. I see that people want saved from all their problems, but do not turn to righteousness to be saved from death. What's so hard about it?
Repentance is not only confessing your sins but turning from them forever. If you can? I know it's hard, but to also ask the LORD for help is another step in the relationship with Jesus (Yeshua) our LORD. I trust in Jesus and always will. He said He's never leave anyone who trusts in Him. We will be the one to leave, not Him. He's that faithful. There are some days I think He had forgotten me. We need to nail the old man to the cross and be resurrected with Christ and become a new creature. We need to turn from this carnal, sinful world and renew our minds with the laws of God and the LORD Jesus Christ. I try and keep busy with church projects. Getting involved with a ministry in a local church is the best. This way I can use the gift that the LORD gave me. There are some talented people in my church and they hope to get others in the community to join our church and know about the LORD. This can help me to develop a portfolio. I'll never give up on this if thing don't seem to be going well, because that's what Satan wants me to do, to get down and discourage and quit. My advice to anyone is never, never quit. Just keep going and never stop. Keep praying when the chips are down and keep His Word and HIM, my HaShem, my REDEEMER in your heart. You can never go wrong.