
Cover of "Heaven"Cover of Heaven

I hope to go see Narnia this weekend. When this comes out on DVD (Chronicles of Narnia) it makes the list.

Some Popular items if you don't know what to get that special someone.
1. For the Tough Times by Max Lucado, Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, and Heaven by Randy Alcorn
2. Spending Time with Jesus Christ (besides it is His birthday, well almost ;) actually it is sometime around September-Octoberish about the time of the Feast of Tabernacles. Christmas is actually a pagan holiday with a long ancient history.).
3. Personal Mini Desktop Water Dispenser.
4. Apple iPod.
5. A gift card from their favorite place to shop, eat (you get the picture).
6. Batteries (you'll need them for about anything).
7. Pedometer(Get yourself in shape after the holidays!)

And remember it's more blessed to GIVE then to receive!

A Merry Christmas to All & to all good cheer!
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