There is hope for a troubled world. Christ Jesus is coming back soon! Are you ready to meet Him when He comes?
Jesus said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Matthew 26:64
My church website is up and running. The Lord has really blessed us many times over it's been countless. Jesus is the gift who keeps on giving. In a few days it will be Thanksgiving. We have alot to be thankful for. Yeah I know the real Thanksgiving, but it doesn't hurt to give thanks to the one who gave His life for mankind. No, the pilgrims didn't show their true gratitude towards the Indians. If it weren't for the Indians there would be an America today. It would still probably a peaceful hunting ground and still not have God in it. May we all realize that God loves all races and cultures and come to the knowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord and can save all if they come to Him and make Him Lord of their life.
Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord. America needs Jesus. We would less to no problems if we lean on Him and make Him King. It will have a take drastic measures for that to happen and for people to believe that Jesus is real and alive. I hope they remember God, REPENT, and get back to the roots from where we came from. It would do us all good to love one another and be thankful for all the good things that God through Jesus Christ has given us.
Halliburton Snaps Up Boots and Coots In 1978, Edward "Coots" Matthews and Asger "Boots" Hansen founded Boots & Coots ( WEL ). Both were veteran oil-well firefighters. In fact, they provided inspiration for a 1968 film called Hellfighters , starring John Wayne . See full article from DailyFinance :{FE5F1E2E-D505-462E-8139-44E9929C3CB1} Media ignores Goldman Sachs ' ties to Corexit dispersant Oil slick may not stick to BP , Halliburton bonds Related articles U.S. high court hears arguments on securities fraud ( BP sues Transocean, Halliburton over Gulf spill (
Image by Wellington Grey via Flickr HI everyone who made it to 2007. With the democrats being the majority in the government seats it looks like the year isn't getting off to a good start. With Bush wanting to send more troops overseas America is desolving to nothing. I've made it a point to live my life as my last day here on earth. We never know when we'll be here next. Jesus Christ is coming back soon! There's no doubt about it. The gulag is here. What so troubling about America's future is that back in 2005, Bush put into affect an Act that will make it mandatory for everyone to have a National ID card . What's wrong with this is that you can not apply for a job, get social security, enter a Federal building, board a plane, train or bus. Doesn't this sound like the preparation for the Mark of the Beast. Satan is always suble with his evil deeds. This is a warning to anyone who will consider accepting this. Hopefully many will see through the plan of...
HD FullScreen: The New World Order in under 5 minutes, a message from HorseOfPaulRevere to the people, meant to be downloaded and rebroadcast by any and everybody. I will be making a series of 'In Under 5 Min' so stay tuned! Soundtrack Credit To Ezdi: The New World Order is the goal of a collaboration project orchestrated by the Global Elite. The goal is one global government, their NWO, dominated by dictator rule and central planners, ruling from the existing power structure we commonly identify as; The people & groups behind International Banks, Multi-National Companies & Corporations, Dictators & Totalitarian Regimes, Global Interests, Hollywood , Shadow Governments, Hijacked Religions, Military Industrial Complexes, Bilderberg Members, United States Federal Reserve, Council On Foreign Relations , the U.N., Member Nations and the huge network of associating treaties, agreements, group...