My Church

Ecce Homo (Behold the Man!), Antonio Ciseri, 1...Image via Wikipedia

My church website is up and running. The Lord has really blessed us many times over it's been countless. Jesus is the gift who keeps on giving. In a few days it will be Thanksgiving. We have alot to be thankful for. Yeah I know the real Thanksgiving, but it doesn't hurt to give thanks to the one who gave His life for mankind. No, the pilgrims didn't show their true gratitude towards the Indians. If it weren't for the Indians there would be an America today. It would still probably a peaceful hunting ground and still not have God in it. May we all realize that God loves all races and cultures and come to the knowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord and can save all if they come to Him and make Him Lord of their life.

Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord. America needs Jesus. We would less to no problems if we lean on Him and make Him King. It will have a take drastic measures for that to happen and for people to believe that Jesus is real and alive. I hope they remember God, REPENT, and get back to the roots from where we came from. It would do us all good to love one another and be thankful for all the good things that God through Jesus Christ has given us.

May your day be blessed!

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