Zoning Churches

As much of our nation drifts further and further from its religious heritage, one of the side effects has been the increasing opposition to churches seeking to build new facilities or increase the size of the one that they already occupy.

In recent years, opponents of churches have had some success in shifting the opinions of government decision makers from viewing a church as beneficial to communities to viewing them as a “drain” on city treasuries since they occupy land that could be used to produce tax revenue for government coffers. In fact, current Supreme Court precedent offers pornography outlets more protection with government zoning decisions than most churches have!

T.C. (redemptionsong): Well, speaking as for my church we give our hard earned money in tithes and offerings plus what we do for the community than what the U.S. government would do. What they don't remember in the heyday of the churches in the old days there were large numbers of people who attended services and it was up to the churches to help the poor and contribute to their communities and kept the gospel going. Praise God that He's made it possible to keep the doors open for the gospel. Without Christ we can do nothing (John 15:5).

Please pray for wisdom in the many legal battles ahead.


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