
Showing posts from October, 2005

Bridge Day Weekend

I'm BACCKKKKKK!!! Bridge Day was Saturday October 15. An annual event at New River Gorge Bridge in Fayette Co., WV. That's where a lot of nutty people from all over come and jump over the highest bridge in the U.S. The following week I did my clinical training in the medical office. I had a great time. Boy, those drug reps really know how to butter up the doctor. I think I gained 5 lbs. easy. It's the first nine weeks and I got my grade for the quarter. I got the highest G.P.A. in the class. I've been wanting for months to remove a pile of roofing shingles from my backyard. I finally got my prayer answered. A clean-up crew come out and cleaned up with a garbage truck. I also got another pray answered! I got on a pay roll so I don't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. The Lord does work in mysterious ways. Don't He? Walk in His Love.... Later!

Monthly Prayer List

PRAYER LIST for October Pray for President Bush. Pray that God will give him wisdom in the choices he makes, and the advisors to whom he listens. Pray for our members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, and state and local officials. (I Timothy 2:1-2) Pray for the residents of the Gulf Coast that have been so devastated by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Many have lost loved ones, homes, jobs, everything. (Pray also for the people in South Eastern Asia who have lost loved ones, home and thier means of living. Pray that they come to know the love and peace of Jesus Christ. (II Corinthians 8:14) Pray for those families that have been evicted from their homes in the Bible Land. Pray that God will ease the hurt of being uprooted. (Isaiah 65:19) Pray for the families of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan this week. Pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort them, and give supernatural peace. (Philippians 4:7) Pray for the safety of our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world. Pray tha...

A Humble Part of Me.

When I first start this blog I had a tough time on what I was going to blog about. There were quite a few things that I'd liked to have talked about. Things are were close to me and others that always been a part of me. Then I thought like most of us have a kind of journey we travel while we're here in this life. I call mine a redemption journey because I hope that in the end that I will be truly redeemed from the state of this mortal life to a life that was meant to be. Most of all of the redemption that Jesus' sacrifice finished 2,000 years ago. I was reading Rachel Scott 's website today. What she lived in the short 17 years of her life had touched millions of people than what another person could do in their lifetime. I keep journals of my works, but Rachel's has to be the most inspiring memorial of compassion. At times I think of Rachel and Columbine. I think that she's in a better place now. And a day that when it rains I think of Rachel's Tears falli...

Be of Good Cheer

Sorry I missed you Friday, but the fire alarm rang and I had to leave in a hurry. It's a monthly practice. I wonder if we'll ever be ready for the real thing? Seems like we are never really prepared for anything. When it does happen it's not what you expect. One thing to do in an emergency is to always remain calm. I am brought to remember the words of Jesus when He said,"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33). It's raining here and I've come down with a cold. I'm feeling better now. After a few cups of chamomile tea I'm doing fine. The weather is warm and the leaves on the trees are changing color. Over the weekend the big earthquake hit Pakistan, India and parts of Afghanistan. They're still counting the lost (28,000). I'll be going to clinical training next week so I'll be away from class. I maybe wor...

The Cable Guy

Larry has a different way of saying what he wants to say when he says it. His momma was an Elvis Impersonator and looked a little like "Ralph the Carpenter" on Green Acres? :? He you're friendly GIT-R-DONE comment"tater" by quote an grew up in a Christian home, loves the U.S.A., Miss September and making odd (clearing throat) commodities from Playdough. He plans to run for President and with what we got in the White House already, well, it just makes me nervous. As Larry puts it they talk the talk, but walkin' the walk it's like trip and stumble like Ray Charles in a pumpkin patch.

The Road We Choose

There's sometime in our life we have to make decisions. Think about it. There are those we make what we will eat, wear, places to go, job hunting, etc. But did you ever think of the most important is the one we make when we will leave this world when we die. The decision will be the one of how we will spend the rest of our lives in eternity. What road will you choose? It will be one of the important and critical decision that you'll ever make in your life.

Zoning Churches

As much of our nation drifts further and further from its religious heritage, one of the side effects has been the increasing opposition to churches seeking to build new facilities or increase the size of the one that they already occupy. In recent years, opponents of churches have had some success in shifting the opinions of government decision makers from viewing a church as beneficial to communities to viewing them as a “drain” on city treasuries since they occupy land that could be used to produce tax revenue for government coffers. In fact, current Supreme Court precedent offers pornography outlets more protection with government zoning decisions than most churches have! T.C. (redemptionsong): Well, speaking as for my church we give our hard earned money in tithes and offerings plus what we do for the community than what the U.S. government would do. What they don't remember in the heyday of the churches in the old days there were large numbers of people who attended service...

My Prayer List

My prayer list is ever moving. Whatever is lead by the Holy Spirit. Currently: Pray that the leaders in Washington, D.C. make wise decisions in the U.S. government for the welfare of the American people. Pray for the residents of the Gulf Coast (Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama)that have been so devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Many have lost loved ones, homes, jobs, everything. Pray for those in the path of Hurricane Rita. (II Corinthians 8:14) Pray for the families of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan this week. Pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort them, and give supernatural peace. (Philippians 4:7) Pray for the safety of our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world. Pray that God will protect and guide them daily. (Psalm 5:11) Pray for the peace of Jerusalem according to Psalm 122:6. Pray for revival worldwide according to II Chronicles 7:14. (I Thessalonians 5:17) Pray for the victims of anti-Semitism worldwide who have been touched by the hatred of bigotry. Pr...

Operation Eden

This is one man's personal chronicle about the aftermath of Katrina.

Be it Far from the Truth

Art does imitate life. Incredible !