
Showing posts from May, 2010

The Final Days of America is Coming November 2010

This video has been updated as of September 2009. The Lord has been merciful and gracious of America but now His judgment is coming. Look to November 2010 when all of America will fall. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior before it's too late. Time is running out! Related articles by Zemanta What We Offer to the Lord ( Prayers for Peace on Memorial Day ( Admiral P. Kikareas Announces "I was there when they crucified my Lord" ( 053010 ( Rev. Chuck Freeman: Hearing the Prophetic Call in the Gulf Oil Disaster ( Holy Trinity Sunday may 30, 2010 ( VIDEO: Thursday May 6 National Day of Prayer ( Driver cited for hitting Lord Jesus Christ ( Prayer for the Week (

The Historical Jesus is Real! - The Facts

This video will the first part of a small series that will go over the historical proof for Jesus Christ of Nazareth . If Jesus were a secular historical figure, His existence would more than likely not be debated, but unfortunately as a result of the long period of time that has passed, it has now become the norm for people to debate and argue about it, but that need not be the case. Research these historians Flavius Josephus , Cornelius Tacitus , Pliny the Younger , Suetonius Tranquillus (c. 69 to 140 A.D.), Justin Martyr (100A.D.-165A.D.), Thallus (52A.D.), Julius Africanus , Phlegon, Celsus (~178A.D.). All of these mentioned Jesus. 2nd Corinthians 4:3- "Our gospel may be veiled, but it is veiled to those who are perishing. Related articles by Zemanta The Nazareth Principle for Coping ( The Nazareth Principle ( The Transfiguration and The Cross ( Why Aren't Jews Debating Believers ...

Behold a Pale Horse Excerpt - Depopulation Plans of the Elite

reading from Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper about depopulation by decreasing the birth rate and increasing the death rate through plagues infected by the vaccines. AIDS was created in an American lab funded by the American government .The target groups are blacks, Hispanics, and Homosexuals population. That's why most of diseases were introduced into Africa and have killed a very large populace. Related articles by Zemanta You: The day homegrown terror hit America ( Nine differences between "us and them," nine straw men burning ( Alan Schram: Contrasting Greece and America ( Puerto Rico struggles with high premature birth rate ( Puerto Rico struggles with high preterm birth rate ( 1 reviews of Low Birth Rates are Bad ( Battle of the Babies ( HIV and flu -- the vaccine strategy: Seth Berkely on ( A FAB idea?...

Death by Oil and Racial Propaganda

This is my man! He tells it like it got to hear this. I was troubled about alot of things the Gulf oil spill, Israel and the Middle East , and the Mexican borders. They can go to the moon ,but can't stop,a oil leak. And now they want to start race wars,well War on The Elite ,is the only option. They want us to be fighting. They feed on our fear. Don't let it happen. Fight the Evil Elite.Stop an illegal President , the Illuminati , and the Satanic governments. They are the real enemy. There are only two sides now- good or evil, Christ or Satan . Where will you be? Related articles by Zemanta SCIENCE: Oil in the Gulf, Then and Now ( Muslims Are Their Own Worst Enemy ( Israel Said to Be Curbing East Jerusalem Construction ( Ely Diocesan Prayers May 31 ( Barack Obama threatens to impose peace plan on Middle East ( Meet Alan Hart ( Ami Kaufman: ...

Israel Bombs Gaza

This is an unprovoked attack today on the Gaza . I had been wondering for a long time was Israel really a good guy protecting their land or were they the bad guy and committed genocide on the Palestinians . Over 50 unarmed people were shot. About 10 were confirmed dead. Pray for the innocent victims. Days before Israel blocked an envoy to deliver a flotilla into Gaza. This maybe the beginning of World War 3 . Israel makes it known they're sending nuclear subs to the Persian Gulf .  While the U.S. has been incapacitated with the Gulf oil spill this is the elites plan to start a war in the Middle East with Israel. That's why Obama let to go on a vacation in Chicago during the Memorial Day weekend, or is he in Chicago? Some things don't add up. Joseph Liberman is in the news again in regards to this. This situation is getting really sticky. My question for God is it right to kill a race of people over some semi-desert land? This is prophecy being fulfilled. I...

Runaway Gulf Oil Leak A Volcano!

BP's live video stream of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico is simultaneously tragic and hypnotic. With each passing second, more gallons of crude oil and natural gas escape into the ocean . Until Thursday, BP and NOAA had stood by their early estimate -- produced April 29, a week after the Deepwater Horizon rig sank -- that about 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons) were leaking per day from the damaged well, although they had acknowledged that the estimate was not precise. And after the world first witnessed the 30-second video clip that BP released on May 12, scientists began to wonder more loudly how the estimate could be that low. Now, thanks in part to congressional pressure, we have a way to watch the environmental crisis unfold in real time via a live video feed. We modified our original Gulf Leak Meter because the video takes our sliding scale out of the abstract and into reality. Related articles by Zemanta The Gulf Before Deepwater Horizon (themoderatevo...

BP hit a mud volcano proof

just go to wiki .. or google it research yourself its all easy to find. The Illuminati Card Game was right. It predicted the oil spill and the multinational oil companies will profit from it. OPEC is the biggest rival of BP look for the coming energy crisis that will send us back to the dark ages. Some of us will be taking donkey taxis. Related articles by Zemanta BP's Murky Management of Information ( BP's Latest Effort Temporarily Blocks the Oil Gush â€" But Is It Stable? ( BP Uses 'Junk Shot' on Spill ( BP Suspends "Top Kill" Again After "Junk Shot" Hasn't Stopped Gusher ( Gulf of Mexico oil leak 'halted' amid fears BP could face hefty fines ( BP: Top-kill attempt could take all weekend; Gulf oil spreading much farther than thought ( BP Uses 'Junk Shot,' Says Spill an 'Environm...


FILM CONFIRMING BP OIL IS DOING NOTHING. BP OIL: MR. NUNGESSER PLAQUMINES PARISH PRESIDENT ANGRY AND TELLING ALL.... Related articles by Zemanta Urgent ( Developments in the Gulf oil spill ( BP begins 'top kill' on leak ( Will the Oil Spill Kill the Louisiana Bayou? ( Will the Oil Kill the Louisiana Bayou? ( Will the Oil Kill the Bayou? ( Dispersants Debated, as Oil Hits Land ( BP oil spill reaches delicate wetlands ( "Very, Very, Modest" Impact? How About Twenty-four Miles of Dead Marsh, Mr. Hayward? ( Sludgy oil reaching Louisiana marshes (

Halliburton Undermining Public Buy Out Boots & Coots

Halliburton Snaps Up Boots and Coots In 1978, Edward "Coots" Matthews and Asger "Boots" Hansen founded Boots & Coots ( WEL ). Both were veteran oil-well firefighters. In fact, they provided inspiration for a 1968 film called Hellfighters , starring John Wayne . See full article from DailyFinance :{FE5F1E2E-D505-462E-8139-44E9929C3CB1} Media ignores Goldman Sachs ' ties to Corexit dispersant Oil slick may not stick to BP , Halliburton bonds Related articles U.S. high court hears arguments on securities fraud ( BP sues Transocean, Halliburton over Gulf spill (

Urgent Warning of Man's Fear and Agenda

A warning of the warnings, stock market crash , the Gulf of Mexico oil spill , food shortage , illegal immigration . Use discernment in the times ahead, know the true signs and the false signs. ASK the Lord! Walk away from the media and the computer for a time to pray to GOD and seek His guidance! Related articles by Zemanta Obama immigration pledge a boon for Mexican leader ( Obama urged to save marine life from oil ( Mexico's Calderon to meet Obama ( Immigration + Oil Spill = Bad News for Obama ( Randall Amster: Welcome to Arizona : "It's a Dry Hate..." ( Environmental Groups Doubt Government Can Fix the Spill ( BP to commit up to $500 million to oil spill research ( Vanessa Carmichael: Mexican Exceptionalism ( Louisiana oil spill: toxic chemical fear over BP's clean-up efforts (

The days of Noah are here! Prepare your Ark now!

The thoughts of man were EVIL continually because they were GENETICALLY altered humans ! Matthew 24:37-39 ( King James Version ) 37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Related articles by Zemanta Genesis 6:5-8:19's Flood ( Genesis 5:1-6:4's 3rd Creation Account ( Noah's Ark or a Boatload of Bull? ( Noah's Ark remains 'discovered' ( Noah's Ark Re-Rediscovered ( Noah's Ark Found in Turkey, Maybe (PHOTO) ( Review: Elise's Adventure on Noah's Ark & Giveaway ( Noah's Ark? (

BREAKING NEWS - The FINAL collapse of the markets

Are we on the verge of the FINAL COLLAPSE? Is this the end game plan unfolding for the rich men of the earth? Those who's god is satan and mammon... who have conspired to hard the oil and the wine ? God will judge them but he will also judge His children.... 1 peter 4:17 "For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?" Get right with your God if He may still be found Seek God while He may be found? Is. 55:6-7 ComeIncline your earHear and your soul shall live (Is 55:1, 3). While our hearts are sensitized to Him (inclined and hearing), He can be found; He is near. But if we allow our hearts to get cold, we distance ourselves! Note the context: God abundantly pardons the wicked (v.7)! Are not His mercies new every morning (Lam 3:23)? Read all of Psalm 136. Though God is abundant in mercy, there is yet a sense of urgency about the present. He deals with us ...

Revolution at the Mexican Borders: BREAKING NEWS!! National Guard TROOPS being mobilized on mexican border!

VIRAL VIDEO! Send this to all your loved ones! What is in the news is lies and they are not telling you the real nature of what is happening on our borders, let alone what is going on with the economy or the world economic collapse that is about to decimate our dollar. Obama the communist is conspiring with these revolutionaries and his sympathies are with them. He wants to destabilize america so he can take dictatorial control of America. Related articles by Zemanta Wisco's News Roundup for 5/21/2010 ( Rasmussen: Consumer confidence hits two-year high ( People Believe What They Want To Believe ( "[W]hat if we could just be China for a day?... You know, I mean, where we could actually, you know, authorize the right solutions...." ( 5 reviews of They're soft on terrorism and soft on Communism ( Is the Tea Party on a roll? | Sasha Abramsky ( Y...

Hexagram Symbol - Beyonce, Jay Z, Michael Jackson, Bret Michaels Satan Worshippers

Hexagram 666 symbol are Satanic Portals - Beyonce, Jay Z , Rihanna , Michael Jackson , Lil Wayne , Bret Michaels, Witchcraft, Devil Worshippers, taking the oaths, evil satanic symbols and messages, The Star Of Remphan, Flag of Israel , Star of David - A symbol given by which all will be deceived - The more youre like the devil, the more hell move you up.

Leaked Terrorist Interrogation Recording - US/Canada Border [Police State LIVE!]

SUPER-COP BUSTS 3 TERRORISTS A DAY ON US/CANADA BORDER. A Canadian couple crossing the US border to go shopping at a Niagara Falls outlet mall is intimidated, interrogated & jailed by the Border Patrol for terrorism . They are harassed and questioned, told lies and thrown in a jail cell. They are asked which individual stores they were going to, and also stated they had the power to ask the address of where they were headed, so Police could call ahead and confirm they were expected. The Cops EVEN CLAIM they don't need any grounds for their actions. THE COUPLE ALSO RECORDED THE ENTIRE ENCOUNTER. The officers have alot of questions to answer themselves now, seeing as the entire process they used is corrupt. Just listen, I can't even list all of the laws the police are breaking... One Super-cop claims he busts 3 terrorists a day at the border with his super powers. Police State: Couple Unlawfully Jailed at US-Canada Boarder