
Showing posts from 2006

Being Thankful for Everything

Image by Hendricks_NY via Flickr November is the month for lots of holidays. That's why I like it. Once we get pass Election Day and my Birthday Day. We honor our veterans on the commemorated day. Take the time in a day to pray for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan . We live in a most interesting time. We are blessed to be the generation to see the coming of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray that those troops who are in the worst of battle will come to know Jesus to save them before they go into eternity. It breaks my heart that our brave men and women have to endure a war not of their doing. If people only knew the truth that the Bush Administration is part of the One World Order . They are blinded by the fact that one day this old world will not last. God will one day right the wrongs done in this world. Sin in this world will not go on. God's Kingdom is eternal. I AM so thankful for what God in Christ Jesus has given me. I'm glad I'm still working. I...

I've been away :)

Image via Wikipedia I've been quite busy with school and working part-time weeknights. Spring is in the air. HALLELUJAH! I've read this great article on Dr. Damadian, the inventor who made MRI imaging possible, is a born-again Christian . Life just keeps getting better! Related articles by Zemanta Why MRIs Don't Lead to Better Cancer Survival - TIME ( Brain Surgery Using Sound Waves ( Blog - Metamaterial improves resolution of MRI scans ( Let's Talk About... MRIs ( Excessive drinking can damage brain regions used for processing facial emotions (

A Jump Start into a New Year

Image via Wikipedia All is well on the West Virginia front. It was much peaceful during the Christmas holiday. I went to church service as usual. When we got the news about the Sago Mines we were all anticipating the outcome of the 13 miners trapped. As you know already it made national news. Except, there was misinformation by the media. Plus, there's other politics being sweeped under the rug. It only makes me sad about the miner 's families. My prayers go out to them. I hope that the miners were saved before they left to the other side. I think most miners are Christian . My brother-in-law works above ground but it's still a dangerous job. He's also a Christian. He brought me an artist kit for Christmas, so I'll be busy painting and drawing. I feel a Thomas Kincade scenery coming on. :) God Bless Related articles by Zemanta US families rely on handouts to survive ( Nobody's Poster Children ( West Virginia Health Care Author...