
Showing posts from December, 1999

Solar Event Extreme

Traditional arms of Satan, based on the "three unclean spirits like frogs" of Book of Revelation 16:13 This is a blog I started before the Festival of Lights, that will deal with current events , Bible prophecy , and signs and wonder and lying signs and wonders and reports related to the changes and happenings on Planet Earth . Christmas is a pagan cover-up of the Satanic ritual Saturnalia. It the best I can say it. Look for some strange activity at this time. The Luciferians freemasons go by their numerology. It was celebrated by the Romans in ancient times. It worshiped the Sun god , who goes by many names. We all know him as Satan , or Lucifer . Lucifer was his name before his rebellion and fall from Heaven and was called Satan because he was the accuser of the brethren.  We are living in the end days and it is an exciting time to live and proclaim the Gospel to a lost world. Join me and take our journey and stand with the LORD and Savior Jesus Christ in the...